Do not worry if there are some you cannot answer.
Information about the person who has died
We will need their full name (official) their home address, the date, time and where they died, their date of birth, if they had a pacemaker or implanted defibrillator, and if they had pre-planned or prepaid for their funeral.
Cremation or Burial and the type of officiant to conduct the service
One of your main decisions you will need to make is whether the funeral is to be cremation or burial and if you want a religious, part religious or non-religious service. We will explain to you the differences or click here to see types of officiants. We must emphasize that we are here to guide you (at no extra cost) so please use our years of of expertise and experience.
Dates and times for the service
Some important things to think about when you are choosing your date and times for the service. Are there people attending who have schoolchildren to take and pick up from school. Are people travelling a distance to be at the service? Are there any special dates like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, exams? Are you having a reception afterwards?
Different types of services to say goodbye
A religious led service
A Minister, Reverend, Lay Preacher & Priest have been ordained by their church and the service will follow a clear plan.
A Celebrant led ceremony
(Non religious services, but prayers can be said)
A Civil Funeral is now one of the most popular services because the funeral is driven by the wishes, beliefs and values of the deceased and their family.
Will you require cars to take mourners to and from the service? The hearse for the funeral with sufficient bearers are an essential part of our service, this could also be a horse drawn carriage or other mode of transport. Any limousines you require are charged separately, this way you will only be charged for the transport you need. Each Limousine will carry up to six mourners and will be chauffeur driven. Our Vehicles
Type of coffin
No one wants to be in the position of having to choose a coffin. Whether it is for a loved one or for your own use in the future. Have you had any thoughts about the type of coffin you would want to use? If not here are some things for you to take into consideration: Our Coffins
Orders of Service
There is no requirement whatsoever to have an order of service, and it is an additional cost. These were originally designed to guide mourners through the funeral service, this is still the case in some churches. However more and more often, people like to use theses as a keepsake for people to take home from the service, a nice memory booklet with photos celebrating the life of the loved one. We can help you design one of these or your welcome to source them yourself (and with today’s home printers even design and print them yourself)
Flowers or and Donations
Are there to be flowers or donations or both? Flowers are wonderful and appropriate at a funeral with the gentle expression of remembrance that they portray, but you may have special wishes regarding flowers or donations to a charity dear to your heart or perhaps the deceased has left a specific request.
Paying your Respects
Would you like to use our chapel to pay your respects? Whilst not all families will wish to do this, we have full facilities so that families and friends can say their last goodbyes. Our Chapel of Rest is tastefully designed for any member of the family, including children who may wish to visit. Should you wish to be accompanied we can arrange this through our team.